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| Северная оконечность Полярного Урала Автор: К.Бекетов

Все материалы, находящиеся на сервере являются собственностью их авторов.
Информация предоставляется без каких-либо гарантий, как явных, так и предполагаемых.
Hosted by Сервис Телеком

Dear Visitor,
Here is a net library containing information for travellers interested in
outdoor adventures in Russia and former USSR. All the resources are
classified on a regional basis, presenting reports for mountain, hike, water
and bike trips. There are primarily technical descriptions of specific
obstacles, transport routes, objects of interest, etc. Our library also
contains maps and photos.
All the texts are available in Russian only, therefore you should preferably
find a Russian-speaking person to help you or try a machine translation.
Our library is updated constantly. All the resources are distributed free of
charge, so feel free to visit us again. With any questions please contact
Hosted by SRV.tel